Wetlands serve important ecosystem functions and create habitat for many rare and endangered species. This is especially true in New Mexico and the Arid West. As a consequence, wetlands are protected and any disturbance must be mitigated by creating new or expanded wetland habitat at an alternate location. Construction activities affecting wetlands are subject to Army Corps of Engineers’ wetland regulations as authorized by Section 401 and 404 of the Clean Water Act. For example, a general permit coverage from the Corps is required prior to discharging dredged or fill material to the wetlands.
Wetland status is determined by the following indicators:
(i) presence of hydrophytic vegetation,
(ii) presence of hydric soils, and
(iii) presence of wetlands hydrology.
If all three of the indicators are encountered during the growing season, wetlands are present and can be delineated, i.e., their exact boundary will be determined.
GGI geohydrologists, ecologists and soil scientists conduct site visits and investigate vegetation, soils and hydrology. If a preliminary site investigation suggests the presence of wetlands, GGI proceeds with delineation, mitigation site selection and wetland design and construction in cooperation with the Army Corps of Engineers depending on the client’s requirements.
“GGI has expertise in delineating, monitoring and mitigating wetlands and riparian habitats.”
Wetland Soil