Wetlands Mitigation & Monitoring
In addition to delineating and mapping wetlands areas, GGI prepares mitigation and restoration plans and works with the designated regulatory agencies to implement the mitigation/restoration. GGI staff implements the mitigation and subsequent monitoring requirements.
Classification and delineation are used to quantify mitigation site baseline conditions against which the success of the proposed mitigation plan will be assessed during the course of monitoring. In some cases the results of classification and delineation will be used to fine-tune the proposed mitigation plans.
Project Example: Mitigation of Fen-Type Wetland in Taos Ski Valley
Redevelopment plans for a central Village of Taos Ski Valley plaza necessitated the mitigation of a fen-type wetland. GGI working in cooperation with the US Army of Engineers identified a mitigation site adjacent to an existing wetland in the Taos Ski Valley. The mitigation site was delineated and regraded. Salvaged vegetation and surface soils were transplanted to the mitigation site and additional wetland vegetation was obtained to vegetate the site. Subsequent monitoring showed success of the transplanting and mitigation efforts.
“GGI maintains excellent relationships with US Forest Service and US Army Corps of Engineer staff to ensure wetland mitigation project success.”
Taos Ski Valley Mitigation Site