Dairy & CAFO Services
GGI provides a wide range of services to farming and dairy operations located in several states that present different challenges in regulations, climate, geography, hydrology, and public interest. Dairy clients range from as small as 600 milking cows to larger operations with over 10,000 milking cows. GGI incorporates new techniques and applications developed by industry and professional specialists such as New Mexico State University and the NRCS to assisted dairy owners in their efforts to stay current and in compliance with federal and state regulations, and has provided expert support to facilities under environmental scrutiny, whether legal or by agencies.
GGI can assist you with new permit and renewal applications under state regulations and EPA’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. We can also assist in obtaining funding for improvements required under your permit by applying for Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) funding available through the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).
GGI offers numerous services that will assist you in meeting regulatory requirements and assessing the environmental status of a facility:
Facility inspections modeled after EPA’s inspection criteria that evaluate environmental aspects of a facility
Environmental compliance sampling: monitoring and production wells, lagoons, manure, and soils
Compliance reporting to state and federal agencies
Preparation of site maps
Assistance in managing and maintaining required records
Access to CAFOweb™, an online software assisting in managing and analyzing compliance-related records
GGI’s experienced dairy staff and NRCS-certified Technical Service Providers can help you manage nutrients derived from manure and dairy waste water in several ways. First, we prepare Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans and Nutrient Management Plans for improved management of dairy wash water and manure application. These plans may be required under your permit or under EQIP funding. Second, we have developed the innovative software program, CAFOweb™, for tracking nutrient application versus crop uptake. Finally, we can assist with soil sampling and assess the nutrient status and nitrate leaching potential on your fields.
CAFOweb™ – An Online Tool for Record-Keeping and Nutrient Management
Based on comments and requests by our clients, GGI developed a software to manage the records associated with CAFO permits in a way that helps the farmer. CAFOweb™ is accessible anywhere with a high-speed internet connection. It stores and analyzes data associated with water quality, metered discharge rates, crop irrigation and water use. It further allows the user to compare nutrient application data with anticipated crop uptake to optimize the use of nutrients generated on site.
GGI staff excels at synthesizing and analyzing available information and collecting data on a facility to assist in:
Evaluating past environmental compliance for the sale or purchase of a facility
Negotiating with state and federal agencies after receipt of a notice of violation, pending enforcement actions
Evaluating sources and preparing groundwater abatement plans
Evaluation of environmental reports or documents
Supporting our clients during litigation
Source-tracking of nitrate in groundwater
Groundwater Production, Water Rights, Groundwater Monitoring
GGI has extensive experience with placing, designing, and overseeing the installation of production wells ranging from domestic wells to large production wells for municipalities and farmers. Because of this experience, GGI staff designs optimal monitoring well plans and oversees the installation of monitoring wells so that they are properly completed. In addition, GGI staff specializes in water rights research and administrations.
GGI staff discussing a dairy operation
“We assist you in CAFO/discharge permit compliance, manure management, ground water and surface water protection and crop production.”