Nutrient & Manure Management
CAFOs produce significant volumes of manure (liquid and/or solid) that can be a beneficial resource for crop production or a source of contamination if managed poorly. To assist a farmer with managing this resource on land-application fields, GGI developed an online software program that allows the farmer to assess the balance between nutrient application and crop uptake – CAFOweb™. In addition, CAFOweb™ tracks monitoring and inspection data, allowing the user to turn data into useful and easy to read graphs.
GGI is a certified Technical Service Provider for the National Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) programs that are applied to farm and dairy operations. Our NRCS-trained staff can develop and assist in implementing Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans (CNMPs) and Nutrient Management Plans (NMPs) for your operation.
Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans (CNMP)
CNMPs are conservation plans unique to livestock operations and are required by Natural Resource Conservation Plans endorsed by the NRCS. The purpose of a CNMP is a plan designed to manage manure and process water as a beneficial resource. If a facility is applying for EQIP funding, a CNMP is generally required as part of the funding requirements. NRCS offers a cost-sharing program for developing a CNMP for your dairy and requires that the CNMP must be prepared by a certified Technical Service Provider in accordance to NRCS guidelines.
GGI staff works with the facility owner to document agricultural practices and strategies that address natural resources concerns related to soil erosion, crop selection, soil chemistry, manure management, green water application, irrigation practices, and disposal of organic by-products.
Nutrient Management Plans (NMP)
Under the USEPA CAFO Rule and specific CAFO General Permits for each state, all CAFOs with the potential to discharge into the surface waters of the United States have the option to apply for protection under this Permit from liabilities from a discharge. NMP preparation and implementation area required as part of the permitting process.
GGI staff can work with the dairy owner to produce a NMP designed to the specific scale and type of facility. The NMP is prepared with conservation management and engineering options, such as stormwater containment, that reduce the potential of surface water contamination.
Soil Sampling
A major requirement to managing nutrients is an understanding of the condition of soils including their nutrient contents. GGI staff can collect representative samples from fields for analysis and subsequently interpret the findings. Having good soils data is essential to preparing a nutrient management plan.
Nutrient Application Forecasting Report in CAFOweb
“We assist you in manure and nutrient management, ground and surface water quality protection and crop production.”
Flood irrigation with lagoon water
Corn harvest for silage
Tissue sampling for nutrient analysis
Manure application after corn harvest
Alfalfa harvest
Entering data into CAFOweb
Sprinkler irrigation of corn