Groundwater Production, Water Rights, Groundwater Monitoring & Drilling Oversight

GGI specializes in designing water wells that range from large production wells for irrigation purposes to monitoring wells for groundwater sampling.

Managing water rights for our clients is a major area of expertise at GGI. This includes researching a permit history, filing change or change of owner applications, adding wells to your permit, or helping you manage your diversions.

Monitoring wells provide a means to assess water quality and groundwater table characteristics. An single monitoring well allows sampling of groundwater to measure the quality by laboratory analyses. Groundwater flow direction and gradient can be determined with a group of at least three monitoring wells.

Current regulatory policy generally requires a minimum of three monitoring wells,  and additional wells are likely required if the facility either has land application areas or is operating under an abatement plan. The location of the monitoring wells and the quality of installation become key elements in producing a monitoring program that is accurate and does not burden the property owner with unnecessary expenses. Low-quality drilling methods, poor well construction, improper well design, and/or deficient well materials will result in a well likely to fail and/or produce invalid groundwater data. Further, monitoring wells that are improperly located will not provide an accurate picture of the groundwater conditions beneath the facility.

GGI hydrogeologists and hydrologists are experienced in the design of production wells and monitoring well programs. GGI follows both regulatory guidelines (such as USEPA, NMED, and NDEP) and recognized industry standards (such as ASTM, AWWA, and NSF) to ensure the proper installation and construction of monitoring and production wells by having staff on site. GGI also considers the expenses of well installation and works with the client to produce the best quality product with the available financial resources.

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We assist you with managing water rights, designing new wells and groundwater monitoring network.
Crew drilling monitoring well

Crew drilling monitoring well

Slotted casing for monitoring well

Slotted casing for monitoring well

Monitoring well casing

Monitoring well casing

Installation of casing

Installation of casing

Installed surface casing

Installed surface casing

Completed monitoring well with locked cap and bollards

Completed monitoring well with locked cap and bollards

Monitoring well pad

Monitoring well pad

Drill rig setting up

Drill rig setting up

Drill bit

Drill bit