Well Siting, Design, & Completion
GGI utilizes a variety of methods to optimize well locations in various geologic settings including basin fill, sedimentary bedrock, volcanic bedrock, and crystalline basement. Techniques include a combination of in-office research and field work to select drilling locations with the highest probability of good well production and water quality. GGI has successfully recommended well locations throughout New Mexico and surrounding states.
Well Site Selection:
Fracture and fault analysis
Geologic mapping
Aerial photo analysis
Geologic map analysis
Topographic map analysis
Remote sensing data analysis
Review of published and unpublished literature
Proprietary internal data
Well Design:
Proper well design and construction are the critical elements for the success of any ground water resource-related project. Each well designed by GGI is customized to meet the needs of the individual project, with an emphasis on maximizing both well production and water quality, while minimizing cost and maintaining compliance with applicable local, state, and federal regulations. Depending on the project scope, data incorporated into well design may include any or all of the following:
Lithologic data from well cuttings
Geophysical logs of the borehole
Grain size analyses of cuttings
Water quality data from open-hole zone sampling programs
ASTM/AWWA well construction standards
Local, state, and federal well design standards
GGI personnel are on-site during drilling and construction of all wells we design to ensure that the completed well conforms to design specifications. While on-site, project staff are involved in:
Logging cuttings to identify potentially productive intervals
Monitoring drilling fluid properties
Confirming borehole deviation measurements to ensure a straight borehole
Measuring and recording all well completion materials
Verifying the location of screened and blank casing intervals during construction
“Quality research. Quality science. Quality results.”
A poorly designed (NOT BY GGI!) irrigation well producing more sand than water!