Glorieta Geoscience Inc. is now a part of GZA.
We are pleased to announce that Glorieta is now a division of GZA, a multi-disciplinary firm with a broad range of geotechnical, environmental, water, ecological, and construction management services.
Innovative Hydrogeologic & Environmental Services
Water Rights
Water rights are a complex subject where regulations and accounting procedures vary from state to state. Many water rights have a complex history that requires an excellent working knowledge of regulations and water rights records to determine the validity and transferability of a right.
Litigation Support
GGI has qualified experts in geology, hydrology, agronomy, water rights, ecology and environmental science to provide expert litigation support and testimony covering a range of topics, encompassing water quality, contaminant tracing, discharge permits, water supply, water rights (including those involving nutrient management), and spills/discharges.
Environmental & Agronomy Services
GGI provides a diverse range of environmental services designed for the needs and requirements of the client to satisfy the regulatory requirements of the local, state, and Federal authorities. GGI works with the client to address the regulatory obligations while ensuring financial accountability.
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