Groundwater, Water Rights and Environmental Consulting. Hydrogeologic Research.

Geologic Research

Our Company

Glorieta Geoscience, Inc. has been providing professional consulting services in groundwater development, water rights, geomorphology, dairy regulatory compliance and environmental science since 1979.  We serve federal, state, and municipal entities, tribal governments, private corporations, and individuals. We pride ourselves in our ability to listen to our clients’ goals and help turn these goals into successes.

GGI has active environmental and water resource projects in New Mexico, Texas, Arizona, California, Nevada, Washington, and Idaho. In addition to working on diverse types of projects in multiple states, the same individuals who develop the conceptual site models follow the project through from initial planning to project completion. We are experienced working with a wide range of different state and federal rules and regulations. We have drafted environmental and water rights regulations in multiple states and in federal rule-making processes. GGI’s in-house regulatory experts keep up to date with statutory and regulatory changes that affect environmental work. Their advice is sought out by government agencies and private industry alike.

GGI guarantees all our clients will receive the same superior quality services regardless of size or budget. We strive to stay in the forefront of technology and scientific advancements by publishing and presenting peer reviewed scientific papers, attending continuing education courses, teaching continuing education courses and attending technical conferences.


Our Team

One of the many reasons GGI is able to recruit top tier scientists is our structure requiring each one of our scientists to work on more than one type of project, exposing staff to a wide variety of technical challenges in multiple states. GGI staff are innovative, nimble and quick thinkers who are able to efficiently solve problems created by unforeseen field conditions. The cross-pollination between our environmental, water resource, geology, hydrology, geochemistry, and agricultural technical staff allows us to clearly and quickly develop conceptual site models in diverse hydrogeologic environments. Senior staff routinely mentor junior members and in turn value learning from junior staff.

At GGI we take pride in our academic knowledge and achievements. GGI staff members attend professional development training courses, actively publish technical papers, give invited scientific presentations, and teach training, certification, and continuing education classes. We are innovative, timely, effective, high value, and grounded in reproducible science, data, and evidence.