Aboveground & Underground Storage Tank Investigation & Remediation
GGI has conducted site investigations and/or remediation of numerous RCRA Subtitle I hydrocarbon contaminated sites throughout New Mexico, including sites in Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Tijeras, Los Alamos, Española, Pojoaque, Clayton, Almogordo, Las Vegas, Taos, Red River, Farmington, Socorro, Santa Theresa, Edgewood, Hobbs, Roswell, Tatum, and Pecos.
These projects include initial response, sometimes on an emergency basis, tank pulls and initial site assessment, minimum site assessments (MSAs), and comprehensive hydrogeologic investigations. Components of these investigations include contaminant fate and transport studies, feasibility studies for remedial design, reclamation system oversight with innovative technologies (e.g. air sparging, free product recovery using passive skimmers or bladder pumps), and long-term monitoring. GGI has successfully obtained ‘no further action’ (NFA) status on numerous sites, using a variety of remediation methods or risk assessment approaches. GGI compiled data from fifteen site investigation in the Santa Fe area and developed a conceptual regional hydrogeologic site model on geologic controls of hydrocarbon contamination and migration in Santa Fe (Lazarus and Drakos, 1995).
Site investigation methodologies have included hand auger, hollow stem auger (HAS), continuous coring using air rotary drilling methods in unconsolidated sediments and lithified bedrock formations. When appropriate, excavation equipment had been used to investigate and remediate soil contamination. GGI has also utilized air track drilling rigs to drill angle holes adjacent to structures with restricted property access. Well design and construction has ranged from shallow HAS well completions in unconsolidated sediments to Haliburton completions employed to seal off overlying aquifers and attain discrete well completions and sampling intervals in multiple-aquifer systems.
Aquifer characterization has been achieved using slug tests and constant-discharge pumping tests ranging in duration from 2 hours to 7 days, at discharge rates ranging from 1 gallon per minute (gpm) to 18 gpm. Additional aquifer characterization was accomplished by submitting core samples for permeability testing.
Selected Projects:
Santa Fe County Maintenance Yard at Galisteo Road, Santa Fe
GGI conducted a multi-stage Minimum Site Assessment (MSA) that consisted of drilling of soil borings in the area of two underground storage tank systems. GGI was able establish a vertical separation of over 170 feet between any shallow contamination remaining in the soil and the first occurrence of shallow ground water. GGI also conducted remediation of a diesel release at the yard from an aboveground storage tank. This effort included the excavation of the hydrocarbon-contaminated soils, sampling of soils for waste disposal and closure, and confirmation soil borings following the excavation of soils. The GWQB issued a determination of No Further Action to the County following the remedial effort completed by GGI.
Former New Mexigas Station, Santa Fe
GGI was retained by Berridge Distributing, Inc. to determine the horizontal and vertical extent of hydrocarbon contamination in alluvial and bedrock aquifers. GGI supervised the completion of more than 15 soil borings and groundwater monitoring wells. GGI also designed and installed a combination soil venting/sparging system to remediate dissolved phase hydrocarbons in soil and groundwater beneath the site, and performed quarterly monitoring.
Indian Hills Site Investigation
This site is east of Albuquerque near Zuzax along US Interstate 40 in an area of very complex geology and hydrology. GGI developed a program to conduct geologic mapping, sample domestic wells and drill monitoring wells to determine cause and extent of groundwater contamination in three separate aquifers and two localized perched zones within 240 feet of ground surface. GGI was responsible for geologic mapping and fracture analysis, compilation of geohydrologic cross sections, installation and sampling of 24 monitoring wells, lithologic description of continuously cored samples and completion of well nests, identification of likely contaminant sources and pathways, and pilot scale remediation testing.
Houston Lumber, Santa Fe
GGI conducted a soil contamination investigation in 1989. The site was closed by the PSTB, but was reopened in 1999. GGI conducted a MSA that consisted of drilling three monitoring wells, soil and ground water sampling for hydrocarbons, and extensive monitoring of soil vapor during construction of a new building at this site. GGI also continued to conduct quarterly monitoring of groundwater in the three on-site monitoring wells and 8 wells located across the street from
the site.
Jiffy Lube
This site is located at Cerrillos and St. Michael’s Drive in Santa Fe. GGI performed a MSA at this site that included several soil borings and completion of a 135 ft deep monitoring well using a hollow-stem auger drill rig. Compliance monitoring was conducted by GGI and the site closed by the PSTB.